How it worksHow it works
Q & AQ & A

Elevate Your Senior Portrait Experience with Personalized Photography!


Don't settle for the standard school photographer - your senior year is unique, and your portraits should be too.


Audrey Perez Photography offers a bespoke portrait experience tailored just for you.


Our pre-shoot planning session ensures every detail is perfect, from wardrobe to location.


At your meeting we discuss clothes, locations, and what you would like to include in your portrait session.

Want your pet, we can do that. Want to be in the water at sunset, I know the spot.

Want to include sports, a hobby or your car, done, done & done.


Unleash your creativity-the sky's the limit!


Class of 2024 are you ready to shine?

Dial (916) 217-4101 to schedule your exclusive senior portrait session.


Now booking through

Spring 2025



1 outfit

1 location - at Studio Property or EDH

Phone Session Planning Consultation






Most Popular Senior Portrait Package

3 outfits

1 Location within 30 miles of Studio

In Person Session Planning Consultation






Up to 6 Outfits

2 Locations within 30 miles of Studio

In Person Session Planning Consultation





Once your photo sesssion concludes, we'll arrange a visit to our studio
where you can choose your desk portraits, wall art and personalized albums


Every order includes the digital versions of your selected portraits.


Same day image selection available with 1 outfit portrait sessions.


Professional hair and makeup available.


Interested in tailoring your portrait experience even more? Feel free to inquire! (916) 217-4101

Studio is located at 4040 Hawk Meadow Road, Shingle Springs, California


Questions & Answers

How do we book a portrait session?


Call 916-217-4101, complete the form on the “Book” page on my website or email .


We have scheduled a session, now what happens?


Prior to your portrait session we will meet to plan your shoot. At your consult, we will discuss shooting locations, clothing choices, weather, hair and make-up. In addition to planning, consult provides you and your family with the chance to meet me and become comfortable.


How do we order our portraits?


It is exciting to see your portraits for the first time! As quickly as 1 day after your portrait session we can meet at my studio or your home to view, select and order your portraits. Don’t worry, I have tools to make the selection process easy. Bring all decision makers to your sales appointment. You will be selecting your images to purchase and paying for the order at this appointment.


Can I post my portraits to Social Media such as Instagram?


I want you to share your portraits!!! All portrait packages come with digital files for sharing from your purchased order.


Do you sell digital files?


Yes, printable, shareable digital files are provided with your purchased portrait order.


Does the Session fee include social media images, prints or digital files?


No final product is included with the session retainer fee. The session retainer fee covers the time of the photographer including the session planning appointment, portrait session and your portrait reveal session. The session fee is non-refundable however I will work to accommodate session changes due to illness, emergencies or weather within my schedule.


When will I receive my portraits? I am excited to share!


Digital files for sharing are available approximately a week after the order is placed. Spring and Fall are busy times of the year and editing can take longer than a week. Print orders are generally available 2-4 weeks after an order is placed.

For more detailed Q&A please click here



Let's get your portraits scheduled!


Fill out the contact form below and I will get back to you ASAP

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@audreyperezphotography - seniors

@familybyaudreyperez - families

@hawkmeadowstudio - wedding




How To Get Portaits You Will Be Dying To Share

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